Using the influence of the Coen brothers style of directing, we are producing a short series. Our establishing shot is a high angled long shot which reveals an unnamed female, through a series of fast jumpcuts, who is seen to be captured as she releases cries for help, the fast editing and quick tempo non-diagetic sound will increase tension. There is then a cut away and then we then fade from black and zoom out, tracking back out of the darkness to reveal a midshot point of view shot of a locked door, with a blood stained key. It then zooms in to an extreme-close up of they key,and a steadicam follows a mysterious hand (now blood stained) unlocking the door and there will be a diagetic on screen creeking of a door, whilst its slowly pushed it open, panning around the room to reveal the 'hostage.' the handheld cam, follows the man into the room, where he sits down, shown through the camera movement opposite the 'hostage.' the relaxed character, is reading a newspaper and says directly to the camera 'its happening again.' this creates a synthetic personalisation as the audience thinks she is talking to them, and feel in the position of the cameraman. A deep, off screen voice then says 'where is it now?' creating tension through the unknown. The responce 'same as before' doesnt give anything away, and then the final utturence 'oh sh...' cuts off to close the scene remaining unknown.
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